If you’re suffering from chronic pelvic pain, you might be wondering what exactly pelvic floor therapy is. There are several techniques involved in pelvic floor therapy, and each one is beneficial in its own way. Learn about the benefits of pelvic floor therapy and its techniques to find out whether it’s right for you. Here are some important details to keep in mind before you get started. Listed below are some of the main techniques, as well as their precautions and results.


Pelvic floor therapy is hands-on treatment for the problem, aimed at resolving pelvic pain. It may include internal or external interventions, depending on the symptoms that a patient is experiencing. External therapy may involve nerve release, trigger point therapy, deep tissue massage, skin rolling, joint mobilization, or biofeedback. Patients may benefit from a combination of external and internal therapies. In either case, the treatment is effective for treating pelvic pain.


Pelvic floor therapy includes a range of exercises to strengthen and relax the area, including the pelvic muscles. Therapists can also use manual techniques, such as a finger, to help break up adhesions and release pressure from specific points on the pelvic floor. Depending on your condition, a physical therapist may also use ultrasound or cold laser therapy to treat scar tissue. Several types of pelvic therapy may be combined to provide the best relief for your pain.


The physical therapy for pelvic floor disorders involves educating the patient about the anatomy of the pelvic area, teaching posture, and movement. Patients may also learn about the importance of breathing properly and practicing diaphragmatic exercises. They may also participate in manual manipulation or pelvic floor exercises. Depending on the type of pelvic floor disorder, physical therapy may include other treatments, such as medication, exercise, or manual manipulation. Results of pelvic floor therapy may vary for each patient, but in general, the sessions focus on pain relief and improving quality of life.


As with any medical procedure, there are certain precautions when using pelvic floor therapy. It is essential to be aware of these before starting the procedure. Unlike surgery, however, the risks of pelvic floor therapy are much lower. The procedure involves gentle electrical stimulation to improve awareness of pelvic floor and abdominal wall muscles. The therapist may also use real-time ultrasound to determine the coordination of pelvic floor muscles.


While most private and public insurance policies cover the cost of pelvic floor therapy, many out-of-pocket expenses are not covered by insurance plans. Medicare, for example, only covers pelvic floor therapy up to $1,900 per year. Beyond that, patients must pay the cost out-of-pocket. Private insurance plans often limit how many sessions patients can receive and require proof of improvement. Fortunately, if you suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction, physical therapy may be an effective treatment option.


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