Yes, but Republicans argue that the government does not create job and it is only the private sector that creates jobs. So I guess people employed by the government do not have real jobs. What about private businesses the government hires for construction, security, food service and other services? Are those not jobs? Or, what about the private businesses the government buys computers, chairs, vehicles and other equipment from? If the government stopped buying and hiring these businesses then the people employed there would not have jobs.

Another argument Republicans make is President Obama (i.e., the government) is at fault for not creating jobs. Well, how can he be responsible for creating jobs if the argument is the government cannot create jobs?

I am convinced any jobs plan President Obama puts forth this Thursday the Republicans will reject. They act like the only job they are focused on is beating President Obama.


  • Does the Government Really Create Jobs? | Circle City News™ | All Tech Downloads

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